
金匮要略Synopsis of Prescriptions from the Golden Chamber

伤寒论Treatise on Exogenous Febrile Diseases

内经 The Medical Classic of the Yellow Emperor

中医 Chinese medicine

Chinese two string violin player二胡演奏家

musical instrument民族乐器

小提琴协奏曲Violin Concerto

梁祝Butterfly Lovers


空山鸟语Empty Mountain Birds Singing


二月映泉Moon Mirrored in Pools

The Sciences of Traditional Chinese Medicine中医学术


will look brand new将会焕然一新

make rapid progress大踏步前进

can be expected soon指日可待

In a historical view用历史的眼光看

relay race接力赛跑

天经地义unalterable principle

五行学说five phases theory 或者the doctrine of the five elements

经络学说theory of channels and collaterals

脏腑学说The viscera theory

气化学说Qua-qi theory

气象学说Pansystems Theory

体质学说Theory of Physical Constitution

金元四大家的学说the theory of the Four Famous Doctors in Jin and Yuan Dynasty

温病学说the theory of Seasonal Febrile Diseases

瘟疫论pestilential theory

达原饮Membrane-Source–Opening Beverage

三消饮 three Elimination Beverage

治淤诸方Stagnation Curative Prescriptions

natural sciences 自然科学

inheriting the former and indicating the latter.承前启后的

As mentioned above, “The four Great Classics” pitched a stabile road for the theory and clinics

of Chinese medicine, they are also the base for formation of the later medicine sciences.

In this view, it’s an unalterable principle of the combination of Chinese medicine sciences and

classic literatures.

From theoretic aspects profoundly, “the doctrine of the five elements”, “the viscera theory”, “the theory of channels and collaterals”, “the Qua-qi theory” and the nearly put forward “pansystems theory” and “the theory of physical constitution contained” in ”The Medical Classic of the Yellow Emperor” are all basic theories of “The Medical Classic of the Yellow Emperor” and basic Chinese medicine theory till today.《Treatise on Exogenous Febrile Diseases》,《Synopsis of Prescriptions from the Golden Chamber》 supplies clinical bases for the later science schools. For example, “the theory of the Four Famous Doctors in Jin and Yuan Dynasty” and “the theory of Seasonal Febrile Diseases” were both originated from 《Treatise on Exogenous Febrile Diseases》 and《Synopsis of Prescriptions from the Golden Chamber》. The “Membrane-Source–Opening Beverage” and “ three Elimination Beverage”Created in Youke Wu’s 《pestilential theory》”, and ,the “Stagnation Curative Prescriptions” of Qiangren Wang were all considered as the inheritance of 《Treatise on Exogenous Febrile Diseases》 and《Synopsis of Prescriptions from the Golden Chamber》,they can not result from no resources for all the natural sciences have a developmental course of inheriting the former and indicating the latter. Therefore, all the doctors in past dynasties are developing and innovating,just like relay race,time and space are both developing and advancing. In a historical view, the resource and the stream,the inheritance and the innovation,are all necessity of science development.

As a reference, the sciences of traditional Chinese medicine should consider “The four Great Classics” as base and yardstick to indicate theory and clinics. Only if we combine inheritance and innovation with “The four Great Classics”, Chinese medicine will look brand new and make rapid progress, contact with the time, it can be expected soon as a popular expectation.

What’s the way of Chinese medicine?

A Chinese two string violin player said that Chinese two string violin is a kind of national musical instrument, and he could play the violin concerto “Butterfly Lovers” and western music ”Carmen” etc. But if we grope from the development of national music, Chinese two string violin has its nationality, such as festive ”Horse racing”, ”Empty Mountain Birds Singing”,as well as lyric music as “River_Water” and “Moon Mirrored in Pools” etc.

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