
学院历史 History

●1953 原华南师范学院成立经济学教研室

The Teaching and Research Section of Economics was founded in the former South China Normal College.

●1979 原华南师范学院成立哲学社会科学研究所,设经济学研究室。(招收政治经济学专业硕士研究生)

The Institute of Philosophy and Social Sciences was founded in the former South China Normal College. As a branch of the Institute, the Research Section of Economics was authorized to take in graduate students majoring in Political Economy).

●1983 华南师范大学设图书馆学专业

Library Science Specialty was established.

●1987 华南师范大学成立经济学系(1985年招收经济管理专业本科生)

The Department of Economics was founded in 1987, but undergraduate students majoring in Economic Management began to be taken in as early as 1985.

●1987 华南师范大学成立经济研究所

The Institute of Economics was founded.

●1993 华南师范大学成立信息管理学系

The Department of Information Management was founded.

●2000 华南师范大学经济学系、经济研究所、信息管理学系合并成立经济与管理学院

Department of Economics, Institute of Economics and Department of Information Management were combined into the School of Economics and Management.

本文标签: in me 华南 师范大学
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