

The history of China is nearly 4100 years from the Xia Dynasty and 2241 years from the Qin Dynasty, the first unified dynasty in China.

史前时期的有巢氏 、燧人氏 、伏羲氏 、神农氏(炎帝) 、黄帝(轩辕氏)? 被尊为中华人文始祖? 。约公元前2070年,夏朝出现;商朝时出现了已知中国最早的成熟文字—甲骨文;西周时社会进一步发展,春秋战国时生产力提高,思想百家争鸣。

In prehistoric times, Youchao, Suiren, Fuxi, Shennong (Yandi) and Huangdi (Xuanyuan) were regarded as the ancestors of Chinese culture. In 2070 BC, Xia Dynasty appeared; in Shang Dynasty, oracle bone inscriptions, the earliest mature writing in China,?

appeared; in Western Zhou Dynasty, society developed further, productivity increased in spring and Autumn period and Warring States period, and a hundred schools of thought contend.


In 221 B.C., Qin Shihuang established the first centralized feudal state in Chinese history Qin Dynasty; the western and Eastern Han Dynasties further consolidated and developed the situation of great unification, and the Chinese characters were basically shaped.?

During the Three Kingdoms, the Jin Dynasty, the southern and Northern Dynasties, China entered a situation of separatist regime.


During the Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties, economic prosperity, scientific and Technological Development and cultural influence were widespread. During the Wuzhou period, the international status reached its peak because of the construction of "the great Zhou Wanguo praises the virtue of Tianshu".?

In the period of Liao, song, Xia, Jin and Yuan Dynasties, multi-cultural integration, economy, science and technology developed to a new height. In the Ming Dynasty, the economy developed, and "capitalist sprouts" appeared in Jiangnan area in the late Ming Dynasty; in the early Qing Dynasty, China's territory today was established.








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