
Pangu is epoch-making, Yellow Emperor fights Chi You, Da Yu regulating waterways, King Wu of Zhou punitive expedition discusses Zhou, the Spring and Autumn Period five feudal princes, the highest sage deceased teacher Confucius travels around various nations, Zhao the king Gou Jian feudal official firewood tastes the gallbladder, the Shang Yang political reform, returns in full to owner, Lian Po carries a rod and asks for punishment, first emperor in the history of China - Qin Shi Huang, burns the books and buries the Confucian scholars alive, the Chen Sheng Wu Guang Uprising, the Hongmen banquet, is utterly isolated - Liu Bang routed Xiang Yu to construct Western Han Dynasty, Sima Qian wrote \"Records of the Grand Historian\", Liu Xiu established the Eastern Han Dynasty - light military resurgence, Su Wu tended sheep, Cai Lun papermaking, the yellow turbans armed forces revolted, the three countries stood like a tripod, the Battle of Guandu, burnt down Chibi, in the ancient times famous doctor Hua Tuo, the war of Feishui River, Sima Yan constructed Western Jin Dynasty unification world, Northern Wei Emperor Xiaowen moves the capital, Yang. Constructs Sui firmly, dissolute wicked Emperor Yang of Sui, cleared the Grand Canal of China, Tang Gao great-great grandfather filial piety deep pool, Emperor Taitsung is receptive to admonition with Wei Zheng spoke frankly that Tang, Vassal married, the world-famous Silk Road, one generation of empress Wu Zetian, An Shi Rebellion, Huang Chao revolted, Chenqiao mutiny - Emperor Taizu Zhao Kuangyin was acclaimed as emperor, the cup liquor released the military authority, Yuan Hao constructed Xixia, the Yue Fei anti-gold, one generation of Tianjiao Chinggis Khan, Kublai Khan conquered the world, Zhu Yuanzhang revolts, looks everywhere all various grassy plants to repair \"Book on Chinese medicine\", the Qi Jiguang anti-dwarf, Zheng He's voyages to the West, Li Zicheng revolted, Nurhachu established the eight banners, Hung Taiji enters the pass constructs Qing Dynasty, Wu Sangui rebelled, Kanxi-Qianlong years, Zheng Chenggong regained Taiwan, the Opium War, the taiping rebellion, this auspiciousness attended to state affairs. , Sino-Japanese naval battle, the Reform Movement of 1898, the Boxer Movement, the Portuguese invades Macao, the Eight-Nation Alliance war gets Beijing,

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