
The Rise of the East in World History-- The Tang Dynasty

The Tang Dynasty is one of the prime Chinahistories; western scholars called it the golden age Chinese history. The TangDynasty is the most China history as an era of open, foreigners have beencalled “Days Khan's world". Open and prosperous in Tang Dynasty, is themost profound impression left to the world. From today's perspective, theopening of Tang Dynasty has many useful things; it gives us many importantinspirations, especially the characteristics and experiences of the TangDynasty to open to the outside world, worthy of our in-depth thinking today.During the Tang Dynasty, and the world moreclosely linked, the commodity economy has entered a new stage of development,its foreign trade with strong national strength and extended to more countriesand regions. While carrying out foreign trade must first expand the foreigntraffic, this is a most basic work. The Tang Dynasty in the expansion offoreign traffic is undoubtedly very successful. In this regard, the historybooks have recorded.Theopening to the outside world is a major contributing factor to the formation ofthe spirit, the famous British scholar Wells said. When the soul of westerntheology. Fans in darkness the darkness, Chinese thought is open, and the goodto swallow anything and everything. The Tang Dynasty, broad and open, has becomethe symbol of this period of history.

Thereason why China was being more open during the Tang dynasty than it was lateron.

The Tang Dynasty is one of the prime Chinesehistory, but also one of the most Chinese ancient times open. Open andprosperous Tang Dynasty left to the world is the most profound impression;research in the field of history of the Tang Dynasty is a very important.Through the open and prosperous, back to the Tang Dynasty can be found, theopening of Tang Dynasty from the first open national concept, Tang has notseparated the Hua Yi, the initial formation of the "Hua Yi a home"concept, not only exceeded the previous generations, the Huayi concept alsoproduced far-reaching effect.Secondly,the Tang Dynasty's opening to the outside world is multi azimuth. The flow inthe Silk Road is not only the material, and the rich cultural resources. TheTang Dynasty Chinese traditional culture has the characteristic of"big", that is to say, is widely applied to the surrounding countriesand regions, and fully inclusive and equitable, not to stick to one pattern toabsorb foreign culture. Third, the Tang Dynasty by the strong economicstrength, the canonization of the system, build a harmonious ethnic relationsand the external environment is relatively stable, which provides politicalguarantee for open and prosperous.Onthe contrary, when such as "rebellion" great social unrest at home,or the politics of extreme corruption, the opening of Tang Dynasty is in astate of stagnation.[1] Fromtoday's perspective, the opening of Tang Dynasty has many useful things, itgives us many important inspirations, especially many features and experienceof the Tang Dynasty in opening to the outside world, worthy of our in-depththinking today, from the historical experience has been, only a comprehensiveand lasting open, is the correct road to national prosperity and national thedevelopment of.

During the Tang Dynasty, and the world moreclosely linked, the commodity economy has entered a new stage of development,its foreign trade with strong national strength and extended to more countriesand regions. While carrying out foreign trade must first expand the foreigntraffic, this is a most basic work. The Tang Dynasty in the expansion offoreign traffic is undoubtedly very successful. In this regard, the historybooks have recorded. Kyoto is generally has national significance, the centerwill.The Tang Dynasty Changan andLuoyang urban space is limited, but they played the circulation of commoditieshub, the export of goods distribution center, covering a larger regional marketand the national radiation and the surrounding and greater scope to haveinternational significance, communication and market orientation of commodityeconomy circulation channel activation, Changan city commodity economy and soon, is not limited by space and fixed time can contain and bound.There are fourteen main Changan to radiationaround the land, water and channel water traffic can borrow ring week, widearea communication including Sichuan, north, South, Hunan, Fujian. Therefore,in the political center of the Changan net, communication is of nationalsignificance and foreign trade big market. An important port city of Guangzhousince the Western Han Dynasty is Chinese foreign trade, to the Tang Dynasty anddeveloped into south of the Five Ridges Jiedushi legacy.Because of South of the Five Ridge’s owneconomic development, water transportation developed, especially theconstruction of the Grande Candle communication the five major river systemsand its tributaries include the Pearl River, with Guangzhou as the center hubof foreign trade more active. Guangzhou is the political and economic center ofa city, but because of far away from the political center, is mainly thedevelopment of commodity economy, mainly foreign trade) created the cityprosperity its economic function is more obvious.Frequentlyconsists of hundreds of missions, trade has become the main objective. The lateTang Dynasty, ethnic and political power in the northeast, the effective areaof shrinkage machine using Tang, more frequently on the private trade in the TangGuan, Hebei area in the northeast, very active, while the Youzhou is the centerof their interaction with the Central Plains Economic and trade hub area. XiZhou, Sha Chau, Liangzhou belong to the Western Transportation road to thetown, the achievements of the city's prosperity for Chinese and Western tradeactivity.[2]

Thepolitical, social and economic developments in the Tang era shape culturalphenomena

The Tang Dynasty is a multi-ethnic empire, thelevel of economic and social development of national minorities and the regimewas not a, and the relationship between the central regime has difference. TangTaizong carried out a kind of apply the carrot and stick judiciously,relatively tolerant national policy, for national prosperity and social harmonyhas important influence. The opening to the outside world is to live togetherin peace together inside the nation as an important political basis. In foreignpolicy, the Tang Dynasty inherited and developed the first generation of thecanonized system, and creates new Jimi system.Canonizedsystem requires all established diplomatic relations with the people andpreserve must accept the Tang Dynasty canonized. The Tang Dynasty by thecanonization of extraterritorial regime leaders for the "Khan","Wang", and establish their own political dominance. Since the TangDynasty was the world's most advanced economy and culture, political andmilitary powerful countries, foreign government to consolidate their rule inTang Dynasty canonized by the authority, prevent violations of foreign powerfulneighbors, but also to absorb and the introduction of advanced culture.

Since the Eastern Han Dynasty, China was splitinto a long-term separatist state, during the Western Jin Dynasty, althoughshort uniform, but did not restore the pattern of North-South confrontation.589 years again, the Sui Dynasty unified thenorth and the south, ending nearly four hundred years of split. Sui althoughwarlords and play. But the Li Tang Dynasty by annihilation of warlords, historyhas once again return to the unity of the orbit. "Rule of Zhenguan"and "Kaiyuan flourishing age", respectively is the Tang Dynasty andits business representative period, people indulge in elaborating on typicaland historians, "the unity of universal Yan Qing", bring in the wholesocial politics, economy and culture of the thriving and prosperous of Tangdynasty. Also laid a solid foundation for the Tang Dynasty.[3]

The Tang Dynasty's in their own strength, todevelop and to consolidate the frontier territory. Take the unity, and otherpolicies on minority and its power to maintain relationships, tributary formpolitical centripetal force and economic mutual exchange of needed products,the marriage relationship maintaining border stability and unity and the promode.The inner is committed to thenational construction, in the "rule of Zhenguan" and "Kaiyuanflourishing age" period, the national accounts increased significantly, asubstantial increase in cultivated land. The stable development of socialeconomy, the north-south artery -- canal and navigation, the political center,northwest military region of Northeast China focused on defense and SouthernEconomic Development Zone together, greatly strengthened the economic andcultural exchanges between the north and the South and promote each other,these have laid the material foundation for the opening policy, the Chinesepeople have full confidence in the face of foreign cultural and commercialimpact.Set up a special organization,in order to meet the needs of the development of foreign trade. In order toadapt to the foreign economic and trade from the northwest to the southeastcoastal, from the transfer of the land Silk Road Silk Road on the sea, the TangDynasty except the original reception outsider Hong Lu Si, has set up themanagement of border trade affairs mutual supervision, the central and localauthorities also take some flexible measures, encourage foreign businessmenfolk free trade in the border area. And the establishment of the management ofcoastal trade foreign

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