
The Silk Road, originated in the 1st century BC, is an international trade route of great historical significance.?Because silk occupied a large proportion in the trade of this route, the famous German geographer Ferdinand von Richthofen named it "Silk Road" in 1877.?

丝绸之路the SilkRoaD.起源于公元前1世纪,是一条具有重要历史意义的国际贸易路线。由于丝绸在这条线路的贸易中占有很大比重,1877年德国著名的地理学家费迪南·冯·李希霍芬(Ferdinand vonRichthofen)将其命名为“丝绸之路”。

It is not only an ancient international trade route, but also a splendid cultural bridge connecting China, India, Persia, Greece and Rome. It is through this bridge that China's four great inventions and Western religions were introduced to other countries.


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